What is a podcast?
Podcasts are audio recordings which can be thought of as pre-recorded radio shows. You can download and listen to podcasts for free on apps like Apple iTunes and Spotify. Astrid Solo Travel Advisor’s podcasts can also be found on YouTube, and on astridtravel.com under the Podcast category.
Why you should listen to podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to gain information on essentially any topic you can think of. From politics to travel, there is a whole world of information just waiting to be heard. Depending on the broadcaster, podcasts can cover broad areas of interest or very specific subjects. You can listen to podcasts just like you would listen to music: while driving, cleaning your house, cooking dinner or enjoying some down time.
Astrid recording an episode of Solo Travel Talk
What is Solo Travel Talk?
Solo Travel Talk is a weekly podcast that discusses the many components of solo travel. Astrid Clements shares personal insights that she has gathered from decades of solo travel. She covers broad topics like safety tips and specific topics like which food tour a solo traveler should experience in Marrakech. Solo Travel Talk has hosted a number of guests including Kamelia Britton, skilled travel-hacker, and Don Godshaw, Travelon CEO and expert on traveling with disabilities.
How you can listen
Solo Travel Talk releases a new podcast every week on our website, Apple iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Spotify. Just search ‘Solo Travel Talk with Astrid’, subscribe and stay tuned for the latest solo travel inspiration, tips, and advice.